Installation and Administration Guide



This guide provides information about how to use the rasdaman array database system, in particular: installation and system administration.

For storage of multi-dimensional array data, rasdaman can be configured to use some conventional database system (such as PostgreSQL) or use its own storage manager. For the purpose of this documentation, we will call the conventional database system to which rasdaman is interfaced the base DBMS, understanding that this base DBMS is in charge of all alphanumeric data maintained as relational tables or object-oriented semantic nets.

This guide is specific for rasdaman community; for rasdaman enterprise (what’s the difference?) contact rasdaman GmbH.


The information in this manual is intended primarily for database and system administrators.

Rasdaman Documentation Set

This manual should be read in conjunction with the complete rasdaman documentation set which this guide is part of. The documentation set in its completeness covers all important infor­mat­ion needed to work with the rasdaman system, such as programming and query access to databases, guidance to utilities such as raswct, release notes, and additional information on the rasdaman wiki.

The rasdaman Documentation Set consists of the following docu­ments:

  • Installation and Administration Guide
  • Query Language Guide
  • C++ Developer’s Guide
  • Java Developer’s Guide
  • raswct Developer’s Guide
  • the rasdaman wiki, accessible at

Getting Started

There are several ways to ride rasdaman - installing from source, installing prefabricated RPM/DEB packages, or downloading a preconfectioned Virtual Machine. Make your choice below!

Hardware & Software Requirements

It is recommended to have at least 8 GB main memory. Disk space depends on the size of the databases, as well as the requirements of the base DBMS of rasdaman chosen. The footprint of the rasdaman installation itself is around 400 MB.

In order to download, build, and run rasdaman, various tools and libraries are required. This varies depending on the mode of installation (Official Packages or Build From Source Manually). Some packages, such as HDF4, are optional. This means that the feature (e.g. support for the HDF4 data format) is not available unless its use is specified during configuration. See Download and Install rasdaman for more information on the cmake configure parameters.

Rasdaman is continuously tested on the platforms listed below. The rasdaman code has been developed on SUN/Solaris and HP-UX originally, and has been ported to IBM AIX, SGI IRIX, and DEC Unix - but that was way back in the last millennium.

  • Debian 8
  • Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04
  • CentOS 7

In general, compiling rasdaman should work on distributions with gcc 4.8+, Java 7+

Alternative 1: Packages

Get preconfectioned packages for installing RPM packages on CentOS or DEB packages on Debian / Ubuntu; this is the recommended way - among others because the package manager will be able to manage your installation.

Alternative 2: Source Code

Download and compile rasdaman; this is the most flexible alternative; however, it requires some experience in manual compilation.

Alternative 3: Virtual Machine

By downloading a Virtual Machine you get a fully configured system with rasdaman installed and ready to run. This alternative does not require any system administration skills other than starting the VM and working with the rasdaman services, e.g., via the OGC standards based geo service interface.


Installation information, FAQs, and troubleshooting information is available on

For support in installing rasdaman and any other question you may contact rasdaman GmbH at

Official Packages

This page describes installation of rasdaman RPM or Debian packages.

During generation of these packages, some configuration decisions have been made (which can be chosen freely when compiling from source. Most importantly, the rasdaman engine in the RPMs uses embedded SQLite for managing its array metadata. (Notice, though, that the geo service component, petascope, currently still relies on a PostgreSQL database; this is planned to be changed in the near future.)

DEB packages

Currently the following Debian-based distributions are supported:

  • Ubuntu 16.04 / 18.04
  1. Import the rasdaman repository public key to the apt keychain:

    wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
  2. Add the rasdaman repository to apt. There are two types of packages:

    • stable: these are only updated on stable releases of rasdaman.

      # For ubuntu 16.04
      $ echo "deb [arch=amd64] xenial stable" \
      | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rasdaman.list
      # For ubuntu 18.04
      $ echo "deb [arch=amd64] bionic stable" \
      | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rasdaman.list
    • nightly: updated nightly, so that they have the latest patches. It is not recommended to use these packages in a production installation as things could sometimes break.

      # For ubuntu 16.04
      $ echo "deb [arch=amd64] xenial nightly" \
      | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rasdaman.list
      # For ubuntu 18.04
      $ echo "deb [arch=amd64] bionic nightly" \
      | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rasdaman.list
  3. rasdaman can be installed now:

    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install rasdaman
    # to make rasql available on the PATH
    $ source /etc/profile.d/
  4. NOTE: if during an update you get a prompt like the below, type N (default option) to keep your old in /opt/rasdaman/etc; the installer will automatically invoke /opt/rasdaman/bin/ script to merge with the new version from the package.

    Configuration file `/etc/opt/rasdaman/'
     ==> Modified (by you or by a script) since installation.
     ==> Package distributor has shipped an updated version.
       What would you like to do about it ?  Your options are:
        Y or I  : install the package maintainer's version
        N or O  : keep your currently-installed version
          D     : show the differences between the versions
          Z     : start a shell to examine the situation
     The default action is to keep your current version.
    *** (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ?

    If you are automating the installation (in a script for example), you can bypass this prompt with an apt-get option as follows:

    apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" install -y rasdaman
  5. Check that everything is fine:

    $ rasql -q 'select c from RAS_COLLECTIONNAMES as c' --out string

    Typical output:

    rasql: rasdaman query tool v1.0, rasdaman v9.0.0 -- generated on 02.07.2015 08:44:56.
    opening database RASBASE at localhost:7001...ok
    Executing retrieval query...ok
    Query result collection has 0 element(s):
    rasql done.
  6. Check that petascope is initialized properly, typically at this URL:

  7. You will find the rasdaman installation under /opt/rasdaman/; rasdaman.war and def.war are installed in /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps (or tomcat8).

  8. If SELinux is running then likely some extra configuration is needed to get petascope run properly. See here for more details.


The packages are updated whenever a new rasdaman version is released. To update your installation:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install rasdaman
$ sudo

RPM packages

Currently the following RPM-based distributions are supported:

  • CentOS 7
  1. Add the rasdaman repository to yum. There are two types of packages:

    • stable: these are only updated on stable releases of rasdaman.

      $ sudo curl "" \
                -o /etc/yum.repos.d/rasdaman.repo
    • nightly: updated nightly, so that they have the latest patches. It is not recommended to use these packages in a production installation as things could sometimes break.

      $ sudo curl "" \
                -o /etc/yum.repos.d/rasdaman.repo
  2. The rasdaman packages should be available now via yum:

    $ sudo yum clean all
    $ sudo yum update
    $ sudo yum search rasdaman


    rasdaman.x86_64 : Rasdaman extends standard relational database systems with the ability
                      to store and retrieve multi-dimensional raster data
  3. Add the EPEL repository to yum (official page):

    sudo yum install epel-release
  4. Install the rasdaman package:

    $ sudo yum install rasdaman
    # to make rasql available on the PATH
    $ source /etc/profile.d/


    If PostgreSQL has been newly installed (as opposed to having it installed before executing the commands on this page) then it is registered as a dependency of the rasdaman package.


    If petascope has problems connecting to rasdaman, check this FAQ entry for some advice.

  5. Check that everything is fine:

    $ rasql -q 'select c from RAS_COLLECTIONNAMES as c' --out string

    Typical output:

    rasql: rasdaman query tool v1.0, rasdaman v9.0.0 -- generated on 02.07.2015 08:44:56.
    opening database RASBASE at localhost:7001...ok
    Executing retrieval query...ok
    Query result collection has 0 element(s):
    rasql done.
  6. Check that petascope is initialized properly, typically at this URL:

  7. You will find the rasdaman installation under /opt/rasdaman/; rasdaman.war and def.war are installed in /var/lib/tomcat/webapps.

  8. If SELinux is running then likely some extra configuration is needed to get petascope run properly. See here for more details.


The packages are updated whenever a new version of rasdaman is released. To download an update perform these steps:

$ sudo service rasdaman stop
$ sudo yum clean all
$ sudo yum update rasdaman
$ sudo service rasdaman start

# Optional if using petascope
$ sudo service tomcat restart
$ sudo


Once all above actions are completed, the rasdaman installation (or update) has been accomplished. This section provides additional background information for administrators.

A rasdaman service script allows to start/stop rasdaman, e.g.

$ service rasdaman start
$ service rasdaman stop
$ service rasdaman status

Similarly, the tomcat/tomcat7 and postgresql services can be started and stopped.

See also the dedicated pages on configuration and log files and administration.

Build From Source Guided

The rasdaman installer tool allows users to install rasdaman on a machine through a single script which wraps and hides all the details of manual compilation - it can’t be easier than that! And it is safe: you can inspect the script and see what’s happening. Plus, you retain full control over your configuration by simply editing a JSON file.

Currently, the following distributions are supported:

  • Debian (8, 9)
  • Ubuntu (14.04, 16.04, 18.04)
  • CentOS (7)

First-Time Installation

Download the installer and execute it:

$ wget
$ bash -j profiles/installer/default.toml

This creates a vanilla installation in /opt/rasdaman using reasonable defaults (see the installer configuration page for more details).

Note that the script needs sudo rights for installing rasdaman into its proper system directory (/opt/rasdaman) and for installing package dependencies.

If SELinux is running then likely some extra configuration is needed to get petascope run properly after the installer has finished. Continue here for more details on this.

Updating an Existing Installation

Updating a rasdaman installation (if established with the installer) is just as easy:


That is all, follow the instructions on the screen and you should be done.

Creating Your Own Profile

The installer makes use of a configuration file, installer_profile.toml, created during first-time rasdaman installation and reused during rasdaman updates. While reasonable defaults are built in, settings can be tweaked by editing the TOML file.

After establishing this file, apply it through

$ ./ -j /opt/rasdaman/share/rasdaman/installer/install_profile.toml

Installer configuration

Default Installer configuration:

# The user running rasdaman
user = "rasdaman"
# Run the installation automatically without requiring any user input
auto = true
# Build and install rasdaman? Updating an existing installation is supported
install = true
# Set to true to uninstall rasdaman; if install is enabled as well then
# any existing rasdaman installation is removed first.
# Important: review the [uninstall] section for customization of the uninstall process.
uninstall = false

# Configure actions before rasdaman building and installation starts
# Install third party dependencies needed to compile / run rasdaman with
# apt-get/yum for packages available in the standard package manager, or with
# pip for python packages.
# If this is set to false, the installer will just print the package list and
# probably fail compilation or some further step if a package is missing.
install_dependencies = true

# Configure how to install rasdaman
# Install rasdaman from: "source" or "package"
from = "source"
# Target installation directory ($RMANHOME)
install_path = "/opt/rasdaman/"
# Database backend to use for storing RASBASE: sqlite or (deprecated) postgresql
database = "sqlite"
# Rasmgr port: best to stick to the default value of 7001, as otherwise it has
# to be explicitly specified in clients that connect to rasdaman.
rasmgr_port = 7001

# Rasdaman sources will be fetched from this repo
repository = "git://"
# Rasdaman version to compile, e.g. master, v9.5.0, etc.
version = "master"
# Generate debug-ready binaries (slower performance)
debug = false
# Build in strict mode (compiler warnings terminate compilation)
strict = false
# Communication protocol to use rasnet, or (deprecated) rnp
protocol = "rasnet"
# Apply a particular patch before building; can be a URL or a path
patch = "{patch_id}"
# Whether to generate documentation
generate_docs = false

# Common servlet container settings for an externally deployed petascope/SECORE.
# Install Java web applications (petascope, SECORE)
enable = true
# Deployment type: "external" (e.g. in Tomcat), or "standalone"
deployment = "external"
# The options below are only taken into account for "external" deployment;
# If these settings are not specified the installer will try to guess them: for
# supported distributions/versions this works well.
# Directory where Java web apps are deployed
webapps_path = "/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/"
# Directory where the servlet container stores logs
webapps_logs = "/var/log/tomcat7/"

# petascope will use this port when deployment is "standalone"
standalone_port = 9009
# JDBC connection URL
petascopedb_url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/petascopedb"
# Database username
petascopedb_username = "petauser"
# Database password; a random password will be generated if it is empty
petascopedb_password = ""

# SECORE will use this port when deployment is "standalone"
standalone_port = 9010

# Configure what to do after rasdaman is installed and running
# Ingest demo collections (with and demo coverages
# (with
insert_demo = true
# Run the systemtest
systemtest = false
# Generate a Linux package; if this is enabled then rasdaman will not be
# configured to run but just compiled (dependencies needed to run rasdaman
# will not be installed either)
generate_package = false

# Profile to be used after the package is installed to configure rasdaman
profile_path = "profiles/package/deb/default.toml"
# Generated package details
name = "rasdaman"
description = """\
Rasdaman is the leading Array Database for flexible, scalable analytics of massive \
multi-dimensional array (raster) data, such as spatio-temporal datacubes."""
version = "9.5.0"
# Each new package of the same version should have a progressively higher
# iteration number (starting from 1); the resulting package version will
# typically be <version>-<iteration>
iteration = "{iteration}"
vendor = "rasdaman"
licence = "GPLv3"
category = "devel"
maintainer = "Dimitar Misev <>"
url = ""

# Configure rasdaman uninstall; these settings are only valid if uninstall
# is set to true in the [general] section.
# Remove RASBASE and petascopedb?
remove_data = true
# Remove configuration files?
remove_configs = true

Build From Source Manually

This section outlines the procedure for downloading and installing rasdaman from scratch.


Create Dedicated User

While rasdaman can be installed and run under any operating system user, for security reasons it is strongly recommended to create a dedicated user to shield rasdaman activity (e.g., log files) from the rest of the system.

This user can be named rasdaman, but any other (pre-existing or newly established) user will do as well; in this case, adjust the commands listed in the sequel where necessary. In the sequel it will be assumed that a user account named rasdaman has been created, e.g. with

$ sudo adduser rasdaman

and that you are logged in as user rasdaman, e.g. with this command:

$ sudo -u rasdaman -i


The dollar sign (“$”) symbolizes the command line prompt and is not to be typed in.

Make sure also that your user is a member of the tomcat or tomcat7 group, so that on make install the rasdaman files can be installed to Tomcat without requiring sudo access, e.g.:

$ sudo adduser rasdaman tomcat


You need to log out and log in again for this command to take effect.

Create Installation Directory

$RMANHOME is the target directory where rasdaman will be installed; by default this directory is /opt/rasdaman. Make sure it exists and the rasdaman user has write access to it:

$ export RMANHOME=/opt/rasdaman
$ mkdir -p $RMANHOME
$ chown rasdaman: $RMANHOME
Install Required Packages

build tools:

  • git – needed to clone the rasdaman git repository
  • cmake – for generating the makefiles needed to compile rasdaman
  • make, libtool, pkg-config – general tools needed to configure and compile rasdaman
  • flex, bison, g++, libstdc++ – required for compilation of the C++ codebase
  • unzip, curl – for compiling 3rd party dependencies of rasnet (grpc and protobuf)
  • maven2, OpenJDK 7+ – required for compilation of the Java code (Java client API, petascope OGC frontend, SECORE)

general libraries:

  • libssl-dev, libncurses5-dev, libedit-dev, libboost-dev (v1.48+), libffi-dev – required for various system tasks
  • libgdal-dev – required for data format support (TIFF, JPEG, PNG, etc.)

database stuff: Pick one option below for rasdaman storage:

  • libsqlite, libsqlite-dev, sqlite3 – required for storing arrays in a file system directory and the rasdaman technical metadata in SQLite; see TODO details; note that petascope currently requires PostgreSQL independently from the PostgreSQL / file system array decision - in other words: even if for the array engine you chose to not use PostgreSQL you currently still need to install it for storing the geo metadata making an array an OGC coverage)
  • libecpg-dev, postgresql – required for PostgreSQL to hold rasdaman arrays and/or petascope geo metadata

optional packages:

  • libhdf4g-dev – required for HDF4 support
  • libnetcdf-dev, python-netcdf4 – required for NetCDF support
  • libgrib-api-dev, libgrib2c-dev, python-grib - for GRIB data support
  • libdw-dev / elfutils-devel – for segfault stacktraces, useful in development
  • sphinx, sphinx_rtd_theme, latexmk, texlive – main HTML / PDF documentation
  • doxygen – required for C++ API documentation
  • r-base, r-base-dev – required for Initialize R support, an R package providing database interface for rasdaman
  • performance boosters and additional service components offered by rasdaman GmbH

geo data support (optional):

  • Tomcat (or another suitable servlet container) – required for running the petascope and SECORE Java web applications
  • python-dateutil python-lxml python-pip python-gdal python-glob2 python-magic netcdf4-python (required by TODO`wcst_import <>`_, a tool for importing geo-referenced data into rasdaman/petascope)

Installation commands for the packages is depending on the platform used, here is a guidance for some of the most frequently asked for.

CentOS 7
# To build rasdaman
$ sudo yum install \
  git make libtool autoconf bison flex flex-devel git curl \
  gcc gcc-c++ unzip boost-devel libstdc++-static boost-static \
  libtfiff-devel gdal-devel zlib-devel libedit-devel readline-devel \
  netcdf-devel postgresql-devel sqlite-devel elfutils-devel \
  openssl-devel grib_api-devel hdf-devel libxml2-devel \
  java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel maven ant gdal-java
# CMake needs to be manually downloaded and installed as the system
# provided version is too outdated.

# To generate HTML documentation
$ sudo pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
# To generate PDF documentation (in addition to above)
$ sudo yum install latexmk texlive-cm texlive-ec texlive-ucs texlive-cmap \
  texlive-metafont-bin texlive-fncychap texlive-pdftex-def texlive-fancyhdr \
  texlive-titlesec texlive-framed texlive-wrapfig texlive-parskip \
  texlive-upquote texlive-ifluatex texlive-makeindex-bin texlive-times \
  texlive-courier texlive-helvetic texlive-dvips
# To generate C++ API documentation
$ sudo yum install doxygen

# To run rasdaman
$ sudo yum install \
  postgresql-server postgresql-contrib sqlite zlib elfutils \
  gdal netcdf libtiff libedit readline openssl gcc python-devel \
  python-dateutil python-magic which python-lxml python-pip \
  python-setuptools grib_api gdal-python pyproj netcdf4-python hdf \
  grib_api-devel gdal-java sysvinit-tools libxml2

# To run
$ sudo pip install glob2 pygrib grpcio
Debian 9
# To build rasdaman
$ sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends \
  make libtool gawk autoconf automake bison flex git g++ unzip \
  libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-system-dev \
  libtiff-dev libgdal-dev zlib1g-dev libffi-dev libboost-dev \
  libedit-dev libreadline-dev libecpg-dev libdw-dev \
  libsqlite3-dev libgrib-api-dev libgrib2c-dev curl libssl1.0-dev
  openjdk-8-jdk maven ant libgdal-java
# CMake needs to be manually downloaded and installed as the system
# provided version is too outdated.

# To generate HTML documentation
$ sudo pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
# To generate PDF documentation (in addition to above)
$ sudo apt install --no-install-recommends latexmk texlive-latex-base \
  texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-recommended
# To generate C++ API documentation
$ sudo yum install --no-install-recommends doxygen

# To run rasdaman
$ sudo apt-get install \
  postgresql postgresql-contrib sqlite3 zlib1g libssl1.0.2 \
  gdal-bin python-dev debianutils libdw1 python-dateutil python-lxml \
  python-grib python-pip python-gdal libnetcdf-dev netcdf-bin \
  libecpg6 libedit-dev python-netcdf4 libreadline-dev \
  openjdk-8-jre libgdal-java

# To run
$ sudo pip install glob2 netcdf grpcio
Ubuntu 16.04
# To build rasdaman
$ sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends \
  make libtool gawk autoconf automake bison flex git g++ unzip \
  libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-system-dev \
  libtiff-dev libgdal-dev zlib1g-dev libffi-dev libboost-dev libdw-dev \
  libedit-dev libreadline-dev libecpg-dev \
  libsqlite3-dev libgrib-api-dev libgrib2c-dev curl
  openjdk-8-jdk maven ant libgdal-java
# CMake needs to be manually downloaded and installed as the system
# provided version is too outdated.

# To generate HTML documentation
$ sudo pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
# To generate PDF documentation (in addition to above)
$ sudo apt install --no-install-recommends latexmk texlive-latex-base \
  texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-recommended
# To generate C++ API documentation
$ sudo yum install --no-install-recommends doxygen

# To run rasdaman
$ sudo apt-get install \
  postgresql postgresql-contrib sqlite3 zlib1g libdw1 \
  gdal-bin python-dev debianutils python-dateutil python-lxml \
  python-grib python-pip python-gdal libnetcdf-dev netcdf-bin \
  libecpg6 libedit-dev python-netcdf4 libreadline-dev \
  openjdk-8-jre libgdal-java

# To run
$ sudo pip install glob2 grpcio
Ubuntu 18.04
# To build rasdaman
$ sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends \
  make libtool gawk autoconf automake cmake bison flex git g++ unzip \
  libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-dev \
  libtiff-dev libgdal-dev zlib1g-dev libffi-dev \
  libedit-dev libreadline-dev libecpg-dev libdw-dev \
  libsqlite3-dev libgrib-api-dev libgrib2c-dev curl libssl1.0-dev
  openjdk-8-jdk maven ant libgdal-java

# To generate HTML documentation
$ sudo pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
# To generate PDF documentation (in addition to above)
$ sudo apt install --no-install-recommends latexmk texlive-latex-base \
  texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-recommended
# To generate C++ API documentation
$ sudo yum install --no-install-recommends doxygen

# To run rasdaman
$ sudo apt-get install \
  postgresql postgresql-contrib sqlite3 zlib1g libssl1.0.0 \
  gdal-bin python-dev debianutils python-dateutil python-lxml
  python-pip libdw1 python-gdal libnetcdf-dev netcdf-bin \
  libecpg6 libedit-dev python-netcdf4 libreadline-dev \
  openjdk-8-jre libgdal-java

# To run
$ sudo pip install glob2 pygrib grpcio

Download and Install rasdaman


You can get a complete rasdaman Community distribution from by executing the following command:

$ git clone git://

This will create a sub-directory rasdaman in your current working directory.


Step 1: Change into this directory:

$ cd rasdaman

Optionally, select a tagged stable release. To activate a particular tagged version use its name prefixed with a “v”, e.g:

$ git checkout v9.6.0

Step 2: The following command will prepare compilation for your system.

$ mkdir -p build; cd build
$ cmake .. [ -D<option>... ]

Any missing components will be reported; if this is the case, then install the missing packages and retry configuration.

Configuration can be customized, Table 1 summarizes the options that can be specified with -D<option>:

Table 1 CMake options for configuring the installation
Option Alternatives Description
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX <path> (default /opt/rasdaman) Installation directory.
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release / Debug Specify build type, Release for production, Debug for development
CMAKE_VERBOSE_OUTPUT ON / OFF Enable this if you need detailed output from the make process.
DEFAULT_BASEDB sqlite / postgresql Specify the DBMS that rasdaman uses for storing RASBASE.
ENABLE_BENCHMARK ON / OFF Generate binaries that contain extra code for benchmark output.
ENABLE_PROFILING ON / OFF Enable profiling of queries with google-perftools.
ENABLE_DEBUG ON / OFF Generate (slower) binaries that can be debugged / produce debug logs.
ENABLE_ASAN ON / OFF Compile with AddressSanitizer enabled (-fsanitize=address)
ENABLE_STRICT ON / OFF Enable compilation in strict mode (warnings terminate compilation).
ENABLE_R ON / OFF Enable compilation of R support.
GENERATE_DOCS ON / OFF Generate and install documentation (manuals, doxygen, javadoc).
GENERATE_PIC ON / OFF Generate position independent code (PIC).
ENABLE_JAVA ON / OFF Generate and install of Java-based components (rasj, petascope, secore).
JAVA_SERVER external / embedded Set the Java application deployment mode.
NETWORK_PROTOCOL rasnet / rnp Set the network protocol used in rasdaman; Note that rnp is deprecated.
USE_GDAL ON / OFF Enable inclusion of GDAL library during installation.
USE_GRIB ON / OFF Enable inclusion of GRIB library during installation.
USE_HDF4 ON / OFF Enable inclusion of HDF4 library during installation.
USE_NETCDF ON / OFF Enable inclusion of netCDF library during installation.
FILE_DATA_DIR <path> (default $RMANHOME/data) The path where the server stores array tiles as files.
WAR_DIR <path> (default $RMANHOME/share/ rasdaman/war) The path where Java war files should be installed.

For example, a typical invocation looks like this:


Alternatively, ccmake or cmake-gui can be used as graphical interfaces for this configuration step. To get a list of all the custom options that can be passed to cmake on the command line, try the following command:

$ cmake -LH

Step 3: Next, compile and link rasdaman:

$ make -j2


Compiling rasdaman can take awhile. -j2 sets make to compile in parallel with 2 threads; it’s recommended to increase this number to match the number of cores on your system (check with the nproc command).

To further improve the compilation speed, especially if you’re recompiling rasdaman often, it can be helpful to install ccache.

Step 4: Install rasdaman at the place specified before with -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:

$ make install


The user executing this command must have write access to the target directory specified. If -DWAR_DIR was specified, then it also needs to have write access to this directory. Information on enabling this without using sudo can be found in the Preparation Section.

Step 5: As described in the previous section, the installation directory can be chosen at compile time. Inside this installation directory we find the binary executable programs, development libraries, documentation, etc. (covered in more detail in Section Directories and Configuration Files). For your convenience you can add the executable path location to the $PATH definition, e.g:

export RMANHOME=/opt/rasdaman

This allows to invoke rasql without specifying the full path /opt/rasdaman/bin/rasql.


This only takes effect in the current terminal. To preserve them accross shell sessions, these settings can be appended to the ~/.bashrc file.


All paths inside rasdaman scripts and binaries are adjusted automatically during generation, so you do not need to edit any script.

Initialize rasdaman

Create Relational Database

For the default SQLite based backend of rasdaman it is just necessary to make sure that the rasdaman user has read/write/executable access to the data directory specified with -DFILE_DATA_DIR or the environment variable $RASDATA.

For PostgreSQL it is necessary to make sure that rasdaman can login and is able to create databases and tables. Currently ident-based authentication is supported. A PostgreSQL user named as the operating system user under which rasdaman will be operated (e.g. rasdaman as recommended above) needs to be created, e.g:

$ sudo -u postgres createuser -s rasdaman
Database Initialization

The script creates and initializes a rasdaman database named RASBASE by instantiating a set of standard types in rasdaman via the rasdl command-line tool. It has no parameters and is invoked as:



For creation of new databases, rasdaman servers have to be restarted, otherwise the databases may not be recognized. Updating a rasdaman database schema (that is: creating new types and the like), however, does not need a server restart.


Running rasdl does not require the rasdaman server to be up.

Server Configuration (Optional)

Rasdaman is a multi-server multi-user system. The server processes available must be configured initially, which is done in file $RMANHOME/etc/rasmgr.conf. For distribution, this configuration contains ten server processes going by a name like, for example, N1. If this is fine then you can just leave it as it is. If you want to change this by modify­ing server startup parameters or increasing the number of server process­es available then see rascontrol Invocation for details on how to do this.

Server Start/Stop

Make sure that the ports rasdaman uses are not blocked in your system. These are 7001 for the scheduler (rasmrg) and 7002, 7003, etc. for each worker process. Ports used can be reconfigured, cf. Server Manager and Server.

Start rasdaman by invoking



Messages printed by will not always show the detailed system state. If, for example, the rasdaman servers fail to con­tact the base DBMS then nevertheless a message “Server started” may appear.

Workaround: use this to get the actual server state, as user rasdaman:

rascontrol -e -x "list srv -all"

Correspondingly, rasdaman can be stopped by invoking

Demo Database

The rasdaman distribution contains a demo database which serves as a first test of successful installation.

Inserting demo data into the fresh database is done through

$ localhost 7001 \
  $RMANHOME/share/rasdaman/examples/images rasadmin rasadmin

Note that repeated invocations are not harmful - each of the sample collection will simply receive additional objects made of the same images.

After successful completion, you can check whether the three rasdaman collections containing the example images have been created through:

$ rasql -q "select r from RAS_COLLECTIONNAMES as r" \
        --out string

This command shows a list of all collections existing in the database. There should be mr, mr2, and rgb.

Congratulations! At this point, if everything completed successfully, ras­da­man is up and running and prepared for data definition, data import and retrieval, and any other suitable task.

Initialize geo service support


Petascope is the geo Web service frontend of rasdaman. It adds geo semantics on top of arrays, thereby enabling regular and irregular grids based on the OGC coverage standards.

Petascope gets installed automatically as rasdaman.war unless a -DENABLE_JAVA=OFF (cf. Table 1) is specified. The deployment directory of all war files can be set during the configure step with the -DWAR_DIR=<DIR> cmake option; by default this is $RMANHOME/share/rasdaman/war.

To implement the geo semantics, petascope uses a relational database for the geo-related metadata. Currently, PostgreSQL and HSQLDB are supported. To set up PostgreSQL for use by petascope:

  1. If postgres has not been initialized yet:

    $ sudo service postgresql initdb

    If the output is ‘Data directory is not empty!’ then you can skip this step.

  2. You may need to enable trust-based access in PostgreSQL. The below configuration needs to be added before the ident lines to /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf on Debian 8, or /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf on CentOS 7:

    # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
    local   all         all                               trust
    # IPv4 local connections:
    host    all         all          trust
    # IPv6 local connections:
    host    all         all         ::1/128               trust
  3. Reload PostgreSQL so that the new configuration will take effect:

    $ sudo service postgresql reload
  4. Add a petascope user, for example petauser, to PostgreSQL:

    $ sudo -u postgres createuser -s petauser -P
    > enter password

    In $RMANHOME/etc/ set the spring.datasource.username/spring.datasource.password and metadata_user/metadata_pass options accordingly to this user/password.

  5. If necessary, copy $RMANHOME/share/rasdaman/war/rasdaman.war to the Tomcat webapps directory (/var/lib/tomcat/webapps on CentOS 7) and start or restart Tomcat.

    Following successful deployment, petascope accepts OGC W*S requests at URL http://localhost:8080/rasdaman/ows.

SELinux configuration

If SELinux is enabled (result of getenforce is enforcing) then permissions for the tomcat user which is running petascope need to be configured properly:

  • Allow to load the gdal-java native library (via JNI)
  • Read / write files in /tmp/rasdaman_*
  • Make HTTP requests to rasdaman and get back results on ports 7001-7010 (these are default, specified in $RMANHOME/etc/rasmgr.conf).

Before proceeding, a SELinux utility package needs to be installed on CentOS 7:

$ sudo yum install policycoreutils-python

There are two ways to configure SELinux in order to enable petascope:

  1. Change from enforcing to permissive for Tomcat:

    $ semanage permissive -a tomcat_t
  2. Create specific rules for the tomcat user and register with SELinux.

  • Create a rule config file tomcat_config.te with this contents:

    module tomcat_config 1.0;
    require {
        type tomcat_t;
        type tomcat_var_lib_t;
        type usr_t;
        type tomcat_exec_t;
        type unconfined_service_t;
        type afs_pt_port_t;
        type tomcat_tmp_t;
        type tmpfs_t;
        type afs3_callback_port_t;
        class tcp_socket name_connect;
        class file {
            append create execute read relabelfrom rename write };
        class shm {
            associate getattr read unix_read unix_write write };
    # ============= tomcat_t ==============
    allow tomcat_t afs3_callback_port_t:tcp_socket name_connect;
    allow tomcat_t tmpfs_t:file { read write };
    allow tomcat_t tomcat_tmp_t:file { execute relabelfrom };
    allow tomcat_t tomcat_var_lib_t:file execute;
    allow tomcat_t unconfined_service_t:shm {
        associate getattr read unix_read unix_write write  };
  • Create a shell script to generate a binary package from this config file:

    set -e
    # this will create a .mod file
    checkmodule -M -m -o ${MODULE}.mod ${MODULE}.te
    # this will create a compiled semodule
    semodule_package -m ${MODULE}.mod -o ${MODULE}.pp
    # this will install the module
    semodule -i ${MODULE}.pp
  • Run the script to load the binary package module to SELinux:

    $ sudo ./ tomcat_config

Restart Tomcat with sudo service tomcat restart; now rasdaman should be able to import data to petascope via WCSTImport and get data from rasdaman via WCS / WMS / WCPS.


SECORE (Semantic Coordinate Reference System Resolver) is a service that maps CRS URLs to CRS definitions. This component, which is part of the standard rasdaman distribution, is used by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) for operating their official CRS resolver. Petascope uses SECORE for resolving CRS definitions of the coverages it holds, and it is best if SECORE is deployed locally as def.war, alongside the petascope rasdaman.war application; configuring installation path or disabling installation is done in the same way as for petascope.

For further details on SECORE management, security and troubleshooting see the administration and developer guide pages.

SSL/TLS Configuration

Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), are technologies which allow web browsers and web servers to communicate over a secured connection.To configure it for petascope and secore web applications for Tomcat, check the official guide.

Initialize R support

RRasdaman is an R package providing database interface for rasdaman. This manual describes the installation process of the package.


This package is still in beta. We are seeking contributors to finalize it and submit it to CRAN.

  1. Install R:

    $ sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-dev
  2. Install needed R packages; from the R prompt:

    $ R --quiet
    > install.packages(c("rJava", "testthat"))

    In case an error "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpcre (-llzma, -lbz2)" appears, install the following system packages needed for rJava:

    $ sudo apt-get install liblzma-dev libbz2-dev libpcre3-dev
  3. Make sure that rasdaman was configured with -DENABLE_R=ON before proceeding.

  4. Build and install the R package, in the rasdaman build directory:

    $ cd applications/RRasdaman
    $ make
    $ make install
  5. Start rasdaman, then check from within an R session that everything works:

    $ R
    > library(RRasdaman)
    > conn <- dbConnect(Rasdaman())
    > dbListCollections(conn)
     [1] "mr"                         "rgb"
     [3] "mean_summer_airtemp"        "eobstest"
    > dbDisconnect(conn)
  6. Optionally, run the package tests. This also requires the rasdaman up and running:

    $ cd applications/RRasdaman
    $ make check

Preconfigured Virtual Machines

This is the easiest way of obtaining rasdaman. The preconfectioned VM has a running rasdaman system on Ubuntu 14.04 with a database already containing sample data for experimentation.

rasdaman VM image

A recent rasdaman VM disk image can be downloaded from here. Unzip the archive and then follow instructions on how to use it with:

VM Requirements

  • Minimum disk space: ~20G
  • Minimum RAM: 4GB
  • Architecture: x86_64 (i.e. 64bit)

Login credentials

  • username: rasdaman
  • password: rasdaman

Once started

On start the VM will launch a browser with tabs giving you access to

  • a Web client accessing the VM-local rasdaman database with some sample n-D geo data, using Web requests adhering to the OGC W*S standards
  • the rasdaman documentation starting point
  • the rasdaman installation directory in the VM, /opt/rasdaman

rasdaman @ OSGeo Live

A complete VM with all OSGeo certified tools, including rasdaman, is available for download at Be aware that this installation relies on the OSGeo release cycle and, therefore, will usually not reflect the latest software state.

rasdaman vagrant boxes

The following vagrant boxes can be used to quickly setup a rasdaman test environment with vagrant:


rasdaman is not installed, but all packages needed for building are preinstalled and the rasdaman sources can be found in /opt/rasdaman/source (make sure to git pull to get the latest version). In /opt/rasdaman/third_party there is a cmake v3.6 that can be used to configure and build rasdaman. To build and install rasdaman, you can use the rasdaman installer or do it from scratch.

Here is a sample Vagrantfile for the Ubuntu 14.04 box:

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "rasdaman/ubuntu1404"
   config.vm.box_check_update = false
   config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "rsync"
   config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
     # allow 6GB RAM
     vb.memory = "6000"
     # vb.cpus = 2
   config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
     # set the default locale
     echo 'LANGUAGE="en_US.UTF-8"' >> /etc/default/locale
     echo 'LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"' >> /etc/default/locale

To quickly get started (read the vagrant docs for further information):

cd /location/of/Vagrantfile
vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Directories and Configuration Files

Overall directory structure

As common with rasdaman, we refer to the installation location as $RMANHOME below; the default is /opt/rasdaman. The table below lists the directories found in $RMANHOME after a fresh installation.

Directory Description
bin rasdaman executables, e.g. rasql,, …
data Path where the server stores array tiles as files; this directory can get big, it is recommended to make it a link to a sufficiently large disk partition.
etc Configuration files, e.g. rasmgr.conf
include C++ API development headers.
lib C++ and Java API libraries.
log rasmgr and rasserver log files.
share Various artefacts like documentation, python/javascript clients, example data, migration scripts, etc.


Rasdaman executables are found in $RMANHOME/bin; the table below lists the various binaries and scripts. More detailed information on these components is provided in the rasdaman Architecture Section.

Executables Description
rasserver Client queries are evaluated by a rasserver worker process.
rasmgr A manager process that controls rasserver processes and client/server pairing.
rascontrol A command-line frontend for rasmgr.
directql A rasserver that can execute queries directly, bypassing the client/server protocol; useful for debugging.
rasql A command-line client for sending queries to a rasserver (as assigned by the rasmgr). Start rasmgr and the worker rasservers as configured in $RMANHOME/etc/rasmgr.conf. Shutdown rasdaman.
rasdl Tool for RASBASE creation/deletion and type management (deprecated). Initialize the rasdaman metadata database (RASBASE); convenience wrapper around rasdl. Applies migration scripts to RASBASE. Insert three demo collections into rasdaman (used in the rasdaman Query Language Guide). Insert geo-referenced demo coverage in petascope. Applies database migrations on petascopedb. Tool for convenient and flexible ingestion of geo-referenced data into petascope.

Configuration files

Configurations are automatically loaded upon rasdaman start. After any modification a restarthas to be performed for the change to take effect.

Server rasdaman configuration files can be found in $RMANHOME/etc.

rasmgr.conf allows fine-tunning the rasdaman servers, e.g. number of servers, names, database connection, etc. set petascope properties, e.g. database/rasdaman connection details, CRS resolver URLs, various feature options petascope properties specifically for the WMS service secore configuration

Specifically, log output is controlled via these configuration files:

log-rasmgr.conf log output of rasmgr
log-server.conf log output of the rasservers
log-client.conf log output of client applications, e.g., rasql

rasdaman uses the Easylogging++ library for logging in its C++ components. Log properties can be configured as documented on the EasyLogging GitHub page.

Further potentially relevant configuration files are

/var/lib/pgsql/data/{postgresql.conf,pg_hba.conf} or
tomcat /etc/tomcat/, /etc/default/tomcat

Log files


rasdaman server logs are placed in $RMANHOME/log/. The server components feed the following files where uid represents a unique identifier of the process, and pid is a Linux process identifier:

rasserver worker logs: at any time there are several rasservers running (depending on the settings in rasmgr.conf) and each has a unique log file.
rasmgr log: there is only one rasmgr process running at any time.


ls -ltr is a useful command to see the latest recently modified log files at the bottom.

petascope & secore

petascope log messages can be typically found in /var/log/tomcatN/catalina.out, where N can be 7 or 8 depending on your OS/Tomcat version.

It is highly recommended to set a specific log file however in the log4j configuration section in (e.g. log4j.appender.rollingFile.File=/var/log/tomcatN/petascope.log). Be careful that this location needs to be write accessible by the Tomcat user. The same can be set for SECORE in

rasdaman Architecture

The parallel server architecture of rasdaman offers a scalable, distributed environment to efficiently process even very large numbers of concurrent client requests. Yet, server administration is easy to accomplish, with only few things to do to have a smoothly running, highly performant installation. Moreover, the system is implemented in a special high availability technique where most server management operat­ions can be done with the server up and running, limiting the need for a server shutdown to the absolute minimum.

In this Section the general rasdaman server architecture is outlined. It is recommended to study this section so as to understand server administration terminology used in the next Section.

Executables Overview

The following executables are provided in the bin/ directory, among others:

  • rasmgr is the central rasdaman request dispatcher;
  • rasserver is the rasdaman server engine, it should not (and actually cannot) be invoked in a standalone manner;
  • rascontrol allows to interactively control the rasdaman server by communicating with rasmgr;
  • rasdl is the command-line based schema maintenance tool; this is (currently) not a client application, but connetxts directly to the relational database manager. It is mostly deprecated, as its functionality is support in rasql.
  • rasql is the command-line based query tool.

The rasdl and rasql tools are explained in detail in the rasdaman Query Language Guide.

Server Manager and Server

Overview and Terminology

The rasdaman server configuration consists of one dispatcher process per computer, rasmgr (we will refer to it as manager in the sequel), and server processes, rasserver (referred to as servers), of which at a given time none, one, or several ones can be running. All server processes are under control of the manager. Server manager and rasdaman server(s) all run on the same physical hardware, the rasdaman host.

The servers resolve requests, thereby generating calls to the relational database system which in turn accesses its database files. For the purpose of this manual, the relational server together with the data­base it maintains are collectively called the database. The machine the relational database server runs on is referred to as database host (Figure 1).


Figure 1 Overall server hierarchy, introducing the terminology for rasdaman hardware and software environment

Server Structure in General

The manager accepts client requests and assigns server instances to them, taking them from the pool of server processes it maintains. In distributed installations, it keeps contact to the managers on other machines to further dispatch client requests across all the rasdaman servers available. Whenever needed, the administrator can launch further server instances, or shut them down again.

Upon system configuration definition (see rascontrol Invocation), a unique name is assigned to each server identifying it to the manager.

Each rasdaman server is assigned to a relational database server, laid down in the manager configuration file. Databases can be registered and associated to particular rasdaman servers at any time.

rasdaman hosts and database hosts are identified by their resp. host name in common domain address form, e.g., or

Rascontrol is the interactive front-end to rasmgr and, as such, the main utility for user and system management. It provides the necessary functions to manage the whole system configuration, to add and remove user, to change their rights, and to obtain information about system activity.

The rasdaman server, i.e., rasserver, is controlled by the manager which starts and stops server instances. Hence, the rasserver executable should not (and actually cannot) be invoked directly.

Dynamic Server Assignment

The process of client/server communication and server scheduling is done as follows (see numbers in Figure 2).

  1. The client starts every OPENDB and BEGIN TRANSACTION request with an HTTP call to the manager, providing the required service type (RPC, HTTP, etc.) and the database name, together with user name and password.
  2. The manager’s answer is the server ID of a free server, or an error message in case no server is available or access is denied for the given login.
  3. Client-Server communication to perform the database requests.
  4. Upon CLOSEDB and ABORT/COMMIT TRANSACTION the server informs the manager that it is available again. This is also done upon a client timeout.

These negotiation steps are performed between client library and server, hence transparent to the application.

The rasdaman server system is started by invoking the server manager rasmgr (see Running the Manager). If it finds a configuration file, them autopmatically all servers indicated will be started; alternatively, server configuration can be done directly through rascontrol (see rascontrol Invocation).


Figure 2 Internal server management

System Start-up

Invocation of the rasmgr executable must be done under the operating system login under which the rasdaman installation has been done, usually (and recommended) rasdaman.

Server Federation

rasdaman servers running on different computers can be coupled so as to form one single server network. To this end, the dispatcher processes, rasmgr, running on each node exploits knowledge about other nodes in the network. This is accomplished via inpeer and outpeer directives, best written into rasmgr.conf.

Whenever a local dispatcher finds that a new session cannot be served as there is no more free server process available currently it will attempt to acquire a free server from a peer rasmgr. Upon success, this server is transparently communicated to the client.

Any server in the network can forward requests this way (depending on the administrator controlled security policy on each node). Hence, there is no single point of failure in such a rasdaman peer network.

All peers in a rasdaman federation are assumed to access the same underlying database, or a database with identical contents.


On every machine hosting rasdaman servers a separate manager has to run. The manager maintains an authorization file, $RMANHOME/etc/rasmgr.auth. It should not be changed by the ad­min­ist­rat­or, as they are generated, maintained, and overwritten by the manager.


Figure 3 rasdaman federation

rasdaman Manager Defaults

The manager’s default name is the hostname (the one reported by the UNIX command hostname), but it can be changed (see the change command). By default, it listens to port 7001 for incoming requests and uses port 7001 for outgoing requests:

Port Number Recommendations

To keep overview of the ports used, it is recommended to use the following schema (there is, however, no restriction preventing from choosing another schema - just keep an overview…):

  • use port number 7001 for the server manager;
  • use port numbers 7002 to 7999 for rasdaman servers.

Storage backend

rasdaman community can store array data in two different ways:

  1. Arrays in a file system directory, array metadata in SQLite; this is default.
  2. Everything in PostgreSQL: arrays in BLOBs, array metadata in tables.


rasdaman enterprise additionally supports access to pre-existing archives of any structure.

The array storage variant can be chosen during the cmake configuration step (cf. Table 1) by setting -DDEFAULT_BASEDB=sqlite|postgresql when installing from source; it is fixed in the packages and VMs distributed to sqlite, i.e. the default recommended option.

Storing arrays in a file system directory

In this storage variant, a particular directory gets designated to hold rasdaman arrays (maintained by rasdaman) and their metadata (maintained by an SQLite instance embedded in rasdaman).

The recommended directory location is $RMANHOME/data/; administrators may configure this to be a symbolic link to some other location, possibly another filesystem than where $RMANHOME resides (so as to keep programs and data separate). Further (not recommended) ways of changing the default directory are:

  • By a cmake parameter -DFILE_DATA_DIR=<path> where <path> is an absolute path to which rasdaman has read/write access;
  • By setting a variable $RASDATA which must be set in the environment of the rasdaman executables.

The data directory will contain the named database. Currently only one database is supported, but this may change in future. Default database name, assumed by all tools, is RASBASE. While it can be changed this is not recommended as all tools will need to receive an extra parameter indicating the changed name.

The database name needs to be communicated to rasdaman in the $RMANHOME/etc/rasmgr.conf configuration file. Specifically, the connect string should be an absolute path to the RASBASE database (note that variables are not recognized in the script, therefore $RMANHOME has to be spelt out). Assuming the default values described above and a rasdaman installation directory of $RMANHOME=/opt/rasdaman, the corresponding configuration line might look like this:

define dbh rasdaman_host -connect /opt/rasdaman/data/RASBASE

Such an entry gets established automatically when running the script.


For a customized data directory location it is recommended to use a symbolic link, rather than modify installation defaults.

Storing arrays in PostgreSQL BLOBs (deprecated)

In this storage variant, rasdaman arrays and their metadata are stored in a PostgreSQL database.

First, install and configure PostgreSQL for use with rasdaman. To deploy rasdaman for using PostgreSQL make sure to configure with -DDEFAULT_BASEDB=postgresql.

In $RMANHOME/etc/rasmgr.conf the connect string should be the name of the RASBASE database, e.g:

define dbh rasdaman_host -connect RASBASE

The script sets this automatically. It is recommended to keep this value because otherwise this name has to be changed in many places across multiple clients and scripts.

Tile caching

To speed up tile access, a caching mechanism is implemented in rasdaman.

This cache has proven advantageous for access performance in particular during bulk ingestion, in order to work around inefficiencies of BLOB handling in PostgreSQL in presence of certain tiling schemes.

How to use

The cache can be enabled in rasmgr.conf by indicating a cache limit. The corresponding parameter, --cachelimit, has to be placed after the -xp parameter (cf. rasdaman Servers). By default, tile caching is disabled.

--cachelimit c upper limit of cache area in bytes (default: 0)

The specified maximum amount of memory will be used for tile caching. When this limit is reached, tiles in the cache get replaced.

When enabled, INSERT and UPDATE rasql statements can be issued in the normal way. Upon COMMIT, the cache flushed to PostgreSQL and cleared.

Known limitations

The tile cache is experimental. Therefore, it should be used during bulk ingestion only, and disabled again afterwards. Leaving the tile cache on will cause selection queries to fail randomly. Furthermore, it is best to have only one ingest server active in rasmgr.conf, and countdown and timeout parameters set to very large values.

See also

Latest information, as well as usage hints, are provided on

Access Interfaces

Rasdaman services can be invoked in several ways: through command line, through Web services, and through C++ and Java APIs.

Command Line Tools

Queries can be submitted to the command line tool rasql. Complete control over the server is provided through several utilities, in particular rasmgr; see rascontrol Invocation for details. All tools can communicate with local and remote rasdaman servers (current exception: rasdl).

Web Services

Several Web services are available with rasdaman. They are implemented as servlets, hence independent from the array en­gine and only available if started in a servlet container such as Tom­cat or jetty. They can be accessed under the common context path /rasdaman as follows:

The corresponding war files by default are located in installation directory share/rasdaman/war/. During the configuration step and before compilation (cf. Download and Install rasdaman) this directory can be set with configure option --with-wardir. For example, this allows indicating the directory where war files are installed (such as Tomcat’s webapps/ directory).


The effective user invoking “make install” (as available in shell variable $USER) has to have write permissions in that directory.

rasql Queries

Submission of rasql queries is possible through path /rasdaman/rasql.

This requires deployment of war file rasdaman.war.

Invocation syntax

The request has three mandatory parameters:

username rasdaman login name under which the query will be executed
password password corresponding to the login
query rasql query string, properly encoded for URI embedding
` <>`_
    ? username=rasguest
    & password=rasguest
    & query=select%20encode(mr,"png")%20from%20mr

Geo Web Services

A series of geo Web services is available at the following endpoints:

  • Web service for directly submitting rasql queries, and receiving results:


  • Geo Web Services based on the interface standards of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC Web Services, OWS):

    • /rasdaman/ows/wms: OGC Web Map Service (WMS)
    • /rasdaman/ows/wcs: OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS) suite
    • /rasdaman/ows/wcps OGC WCPS (deprecated, now with WCS)
    • /rasdaman/ows/wps OGC Web Processing Service (WPS)

    This requires deployment of war file rasdaman.war.

  • A Coordinate Reference System (CRS) Resolver service, SECORE, which is identical to the one deployed by OGC) is available under path /def. This path is reflecting the OGC resolver architecture where is the branch for CRSs served by SECORE.

    This requires deployment of war file def.war.


Programmatic access is available through self-programmed code using the C++ and Java interfaces; see the C++ and Java Guide for details.

Server Administration

This Section explains how to start up and shut down servers, as well as how to monitor and influence server state.

It is recommended to first study the previous section so as to under­stand server administration terminology used here.

General Procedure

rasmgr vs. rascontrol

It is important to distinguish between the manager, rasmgr, and its control front-end, rascontrol. The manager runs as a background process, supervising activity of local (and possibly remote) rasdaman servers. Interaction between user (i.e., administrator) and the manager takes place through the interactive control front end.

In the sequel, it is first described how to launch the manager ras­mgr, then rascontrol commands are detailed.

Important Security Note

To remain compatible with older rasdaman versions, clients use login “rasguest” / password “rasguest” by default (i.e., when no user and password are explicitly set by the application). In the distribution configuration, this user is defined to have read-only access to the databases - in plain words,

  • According to the default configuration,
  • users can access,
  • but not manipulate databases
  • without authentication.

Therefore, the administrator is strongly urged to adapt authentication settings to the local security policy before switching databases online.

See Users and Their Rights to learn more about user management mechanisms.

Running the Manager

Manager Startup

Starting up the rasdaman system is done by invoking the rasdaman manager, rasmgr, from a shell under the rasdaman operating system login. Usually the manager will be sent to the background:

rasmgr &

Starting rasmgr is the only direct action to be done on it. Any further administration is performed using rascontrol.

Note that, unless a server configuration has been defined already, no rasdaman server is available just by starting the manager.

Invocation Synopsis

Manager invocation synopsis:

$ rasmgr [--help] [--hostname h] [--port p]


--help print this help
--hostname h host on which the manager process is running is accessible under name / IP address h (default: output of Unix command hostname)
--port p manager will listen to port number p (default: 7001)


To start a manager which will listen at port 7001:

$ rasmgr --port 7001

rascontrol Invocation

The manager front end, rascontrol, is a command-line interface used for rasdaman admin­istrat­ion. It allows to define the whole rasdaman system configuration, including start up and shut down of server instances and user logins and rights.

To secure access to the server administration facilities, rascontrol performs a login process requesting login name and password similar to the Unix rlogin command. User name must be one of the users defined in the rasdaman authentication list (see Users and Their Rights).

rascontrol Synopsis

$ rascontrol [-h|--help] [--host *h*] [--port *n*] [--prompt *n*]
             [--login|--interactive|--execute *cmd*|--testlogin]


--host h name of the host where the manager runs (default: localhost)
-h, --help this help
--port n port number at which the manager listens to requests (default: 7001)
--prompt n

change rascontrol prompt as follows:

  • 0 - prompt ‘>
  • 1 - prompt ‘rasc>
  • 2 - prompt ‘user:host>

(default: 2)

--quiet quiet, don’t print header (default for --login and --testlogin)
--login print login and password, obtained from interactive input, to stdout, then exit (see Script Use below)
--interactive read login and password from environment variable RASLOGIN instead of requesting it interactively
--execute cmd execute single *cmd* and exit (batch mode); all text following -x until end of line is passed as command; this option implicitly assumes -e
--testlogin just do a login and nothing else to check whether the login/password combination provided in the RASLOGIN variable is valid

Interactive Use

In interactive use, rascontrol will be invoked with the host parameter only. Following successful authentication, rascontrol accepts command line input from stdin.

Here is an example session (mypasswd will not be echoed on screen):

$ rascontrol
Login name: *mylogin*
Password: *mypasswd*
mylogin:localhost> define dbh h1 -connect /
mylogin:localhost> define db d1 -dbh h1
mylogin:localhost> define srv s1 -host localhost
-type h -dbh h1
mylogin:localhost> up srv s1
mylogin:localhost> save
mylogin:localhost> exit

Script Use

Alternatively to interactive login, user and password information can be taken from the environment variable RASLOGIN. This variant is suit­able for batch scripting in conjunction with the -x option.

The following example shows how first the RASLOGIN is set appropriately:

$ export RASLOGIN=`rascontrol --login`

…and then a sample Unix shell script which starts all rasdaman servers defined in the system configuration, performing implicit login from the environment variable contents which has been obtained from the previous command and pasted into the shell script:

export RASLOGIN=rasadmin:mytotallyencryptedpassword
rascontrol -x up srv -all

Comments in Scripts

To enhance legibility of scripts, rascontrol accepts comments in the usual shell syntax: Lines beginning with a hash sign ‘#’ will be ignored, whatever they may contain. An example is usage in shell here documents (type man sh in your favourite shell for further information on this feature):

$ rascontrol <<EOF
# this is the command submitted to rascontrol:
list srv -all
# now terminate rascontrol:
# the following line terminates rascontrol input:

rascontrol Command List

Command Synopsis










display information (general or about specific command)

exit rascontrol

list info about the current status of the system

start server(s)

stop rasdaman server(s) or server manager(s)

define a new object

remove an object

change parameters of objects

make configuration changes permanent

In the remainder of this section, commands are explained in detail, sorted by the targets they affect.

Server Hosts

Define Server Hosts

define host h -net n -port p
symbolic host name
-net n
set network host name to n
-port p
port on which the rasdaman manager will listen

Change Server Host Settings

change host h [-name n] [-net x] [-port p]
            [-uselocalhost [on|off] ]
host name whose entry is to be updated
-name n
change host name to n
-net x
change network name to x
-port p
change port number to p
-uselocalhost [on|off]
use domain name localhost (IP address instead of regular network host name; usually this speeds up communication a little (default: on)

Note that it is not possible to change network name or port for a host while this server is running.

uselocalhost works only for the master manager and is on by default. This means that the servers running on manager master host should

Remove Server Host Definitions

remove host h
host name whose entry is to be deleted

Remove host h from the definition table.

It is not possible to remove a host definition while the corresponding host has active servers.

Status Information

list host

List all hosts currently defined.

rasdaman Servers

Define rasdaman Servers

define srv s -host h -type t -port p -dbh d
    [-autorestart [on|off] [-countdown c]
    [-xp options]
a unique, not yet used name for the server
-host h
name of the host where the server will run
-type t
communication type: t is r for RPC, h for http
-port p
the RPC program number for RPC servers (recommended: 0x2999001 - 0x2999999), TCP/IP port for http servers (recommended: 7002 - 7999)
-dbh d
database host where the relational database server to which the rasdaman server connects will run
-autorestart a
for a=``on``: automatically restart rasdaman server after unanticipated termination for a=``off``: don’t restart (default: a=``on``)
-countdown *c
for c>``0``: restart rasdaman server after c requests for c=``0``: run rasdaman server indefinitely (default: c=``1000``)
-xp options
pass option string options to server upon start (default: no options, i.e., empty string)

Option -xp must be the last option. Everything following “-xp” until end of line is considered to be “options” and will be passed, at start­up time, to the server; see Server Control Options below for the list of options available.

Change Server Settings

change srv s [-name n] -type t [-port p] [-dbh d]
        [-autorestart [on|off] [-countdown c]
        [-xp options]
change settings for server s
-name n
change server name to n
-port p
change port number to p
-dbh d
new database host where the relational database server runs to which the rasdaman server connects
-autorestart a
for a=on: automatically restart rasdaman server after unanticipated termination for a=off: don’t restart
-countdown c
for c>0: restart rasdaman server after c requests for c=0: run rasdaman server indefinitely
-xp options
pass option string options to server upon start

Option -xp must be the last option. Everything following “-xp” until end of line is considered to be “options” and will be passed, at start­up time, to the server; see Section Server Control Options below for the list of options available.


  • The server host cannot be changed.
  • The server name cannot be changed while the server is up.
  • The new settings will be used only next time the server starts.

Remove rasdaman Server Definitions

remove srv s
server name whose entry is to be deleted

Remove server s from the definition table.

It is not possible to remove a server definition while the corresponding server is up and running

Status Information

list srv [ s | -host h | -all ] [-p]

give information about server s
-host h
give information about all servers running on host h information is requested
list information about all servers on all hosts (default)
additionally list configuration information

The first is variant prints status information of the currently defined server(s); if s is provided, then only server s is listed.

Database Hosts

Define Database Hosts

define dbh h [-connect c]
a unique symbolic database host name, usually the host machine name
-connect c
the connection string used to connect rasserver to the database server
-user u
the user name (optional) used to connect ras­server to the base DBMS server; for PostrgreSQL, using this parameter auto­matically implies trust authent­ic­ation.
-passwd p
the password (optional) used to connect rasserver to the base DBMS server; for PostrgreSQL, using this parameter auto­matically implies trust authent­ic­ation.

Change Database Host Settings

change dbh h [-name n] [-connect c]
database host whose entry is to be changed
-name n
change symbolic database host name to n
-connect c
change connect string to c
-user u
the user name used to connect ras­server to the base DBMS server; using this optional parameter auto­matically implies ident-based authentication.
-passwd p
the password used to connect rasserver to the base DBMS server; using this optional parameter auto­matically implies ident-based authentication.

The connection parameters can be changed at any time, however the servers will get the information only when they are restarted.

Remove Database Host Definitions

remove dbh h

database host name whose entry is to be deleted

Remove database host h from the definition table.

It is not possible to remove a database host definition while this data­base host has active servers connected to it.

Status Information

list dbh
List all relational database hosts currently defined.


Databases represent the physical database itself, together with the relat­ional database server accessing them. It is possible to have mult­iple database definitions in the rasdaman server environment which are distinguished by the database host; the interpretation, then, is that the same contents (be it the same physical database or a mirrored copy) is available through relational servers running on the different hosts mentioned. In other words, when a client opens a database, the server manager can freely choose any of the database hosts on which the database indicated is defined.

The pair (database,database host) must be unique.

Define Databases

define db d -dbh db

define database with name d
-dbh db
set database host name to db

Change Database Settings

change db d -name n

database whose name is to be changed
-name n
change to new database name n

Remove Database Definitions

remove db d -dbh db

name of database to be removed
-dbh db
host name of database to be removed

Remove definition of database d from the definition table. The data­base itself remains unchanged, it is not physically deleted.

It is not possible to remove a database definition while the corresp­ond­ing database has open transactions.

Status Information

list db [ d | -dbh h | -all ]

give information about servers connected to database d
-dbh h
give information about all servers connected to database d via database host h
list information about all servers connected to any known database (default)

List relational database(s) defined.

Server Start-up and Shutdown

Server Start

up srv [ s | -host h | -all ]

start only server s
-host s
start all servers on host h; this requires that a manager has been started on this host previously.
start all servers defined; note that only those servers can be started on whose host a manager is currently running.

Look up the named server(s) in the definition list, and start the spec­ified one(s) using the previously defined individual startup para­meters.

At least one of the options s, -host s, and -all must be present.

Server Shutdown

down srv [ s | -host h | -all ] [-force] [-kill]

name of the server to be stopped
-host s
terminate all servers on host h
terminate all servers
send SIGTERM immediately, don’t wait for transaction end
send SIGKILL immediately, don’t wait for transaction end

This command shuts down the indicated server(s). At least one of the options s, -host s, and -all must be present.

Without -force and -kill, the server is marked for shut down and will actually be terminated by sending SIGTERM after completing the current transaction. With -force and -kill, the server is terminated instant­­an­eously; this should be handled with extreme caution, as experience shows that relational database systems react differently on such a situation: usually a running transaction is aborted (which is the desired behavior), but sometimes the running transaction is committed (most likely leaving the database in an inconsistent state). See a Unix manual for the difference between SIGTERM and SIGKILL signals.

The manager on host h is not terminated.

Users and Their Rights

Similarly to operating systems, rasdaman knows named users with access rights associated to them. Each rasdaman client must log in to the system under a specific login name using its specific password; this holds for database clients as well as for database administration. With each login name, a set of rights is associated which determines the set of actions admitted to the user under this login.

To this end, the rasdaman administrator manages user login names (user names) equipped with a password and rights to access the databases.

Attention: There is no way to retrieve a lost password!

The set of known logins as well as the associated rights all are under administrator control; the define and remove commands serve to add or delete user logins, the change user command allows to individually assign rights to a login.

In the rasdaman system’s initial state after installation, user rasadmin is defined owning all possible rights (see below). A further user rasguest is defined which owns read-only access (“R”) rights.

For both users, the password initially is identical with the user name. It is highly recommended to change this immediately (See Change User Attributes).

Define New User

define user u [-passwd p] [-rights r]

login name, must be unique (i.e., not yet existing)
-passwd p
set login password to pass (default: user name)
-rights r
rights associated with this login (default: R, i.e., read-only)

The user’s password can be changed at any time (see Change User Attributes).

Remove User

remove user u

login name to be removed

The user is removed from the login list and henceforth cannot login to the rasdaman system any more.

User Rights

User rights are indicated by upper case letters. They are divided into two categories: system rights and data­base rights. System rights apply to the whole system configuration of a server machine, whereas data­base rights can be specified individually for a database.

The following system rights are defined:

user may change the system configuration
access control: the user may perform user management
start/stop right: the user may start and stop the system, in particular: rasdaman servers
info retrieval: the user may retrieve server status information

The following database rights are defined:

user is allowed read data (select…from…where) from rasdaman databases
user is granted write access (update, insert, delete) to rasdaman databases

Notation of Rights

In the change user command used for user rights admin­istr­at­ion, a user’s rights set is described by a rights string. It is built from letters denoting the rights to be granted.

To revoke a right, leave out the corresponding character. To grant no rights at all, use - (minus sign).

No blanks or other characters are allowed in a rights string.

Examples of valid rights strings are:

  • grant all rights: CASIRW
  • grant read access only: R
  • grant no rights at all: -

These are examples for invalid rights strings:

  • Blanks between rights: CA SIR W
  • Invalid characters I: AXYZS
  • Invalid characters II: A_+S

Change User Attributes

change user u [-name n | -passwd p | -rights r]


user login to be updated
-name n
change user name to n
-passwd p
change password to p
-rights r
change rights of user u according to rights string r

Change name of user, login password, or user rights.

Status Information

list user [-rights]

additionally list rights assigned to each user

List all user names currently defined, optionally with their rights.

Server Control Options

The following options can be passed to the server when it is started by the server manager using the up srv command. Option settings are defined for a particular server using the rascontrol command change srv -xp which passes the rest of the line after -xp on to the server upon starting it (see rasdaman Servers).

--enablefs store new tiles in operating system files; only relevant when PostgreSQL backend is used.
--log logfile print log to logfile. If logfile is stdout, then log output will be printed to standard output. (default: $RMANHOME/log/rasserver.serverid.serverpid.log)
--timeout t client time out in seconds for sign-of-life signal. If no t indicated: 300 sec; if set to 0, no sign-of-life check is done. Activated only if --mgmntint is also set.
--transbuffer b
 set maximum size of transfer buffer to b bytes (default: 4 MB = 4,194,304 bytes)
--cachelimit c upper limit of cache area in bytes (default: 0)
 perform tile-level locking on insert / update / delete (default: whole database is locked)

Distributed Query Processing

Rasdaman can form a federation network for query answering. In such a setup, rasmgrs facing congestion (i.e., all rasserver worker processes busy) will try to acquire a free server from some other rasmgr’s holding in the federation.

Session-based server assignment

As always in rasdaman, acquisition and release of server processes is done on session level: when a client opens a new connection, it gets a server assigned; when it closes the connection, this server is released and put back into the pool of available processes. Hence, for optimal load balance clients should strive to have short-running sessions and not keep open connections unduly for a long time.

Federation network

The federation network is defined in a decentralized way: each rasmgr knows peers from which it accepts requests, and to which it can send re­quests. To this end, each rasmgr maintains an inpeer and outpeer list:

  • The inpeer list contains those hosts from which this node’s rasmgr will accept requests.
  • The outpeer list contains those hosts which this node’s rasmgr will ask for server processes on local session overflow.

By manipulating these two lists administrators can exercise fine-grain security policy in a rasdaman federation network.

Note that the federation connectivity graph is not necessarily symmetric: a ras­mgr may send requests to some other rasmgr, but not accept re­quests, and vice versa, depending on the individual configuration.

Each host individually respects these statements, there is no global ras­da­man federation configuration.

Federation node addressing

Addressing is based on hostnames, where a hostname in the sequel is one of

  • a domain name, resolvable by this rasmgr’s host
  • an IP address

All inpeer and outpeer statements accumulate so that host identifiers can be added and removed incrementally.


A rasmgr request for a server process on another host is treated by the incoming host in the same way as any such incoming client request. The requesting rasmgr authenticates via the login and password which the originating client used for authenticating against rasdaman in the first place.

This implies that a client approaching such a federation must be known in all federation nodes. See Users and Their Rights for details on users and the various permissions they can have on a database.

If neither any inpeer nor any outpeer is defined (either interactively through ras­control or by way of settings in rasmgr.conf) then this ras­da­man instance will act completely standalone and will neither send nor accept peer requests.

Define peers

define inpeer hostname
host from which requests for rasdaman server process assignment will be accepted by this rasmgr
define outpeer hostname [-port portnumber]
host from which this rasmgr may request a rasdaman server process
port number at which the rasmgr on that host is listening (default: 7001)

List peers

list inpeer

list outpeer

These commands list all currently defined inpeers and outpeers, respectively.

Remove peers

remove inpeer hostname

remove outpeer hostname

These commands remove hostname hostname listed from the list of peers.


define inpeer

define inpeer

Caveat: fluctuating IPs

In cloud environments, IP addresses are maintained dynamically and can change for a given host between reboots. Hence, when growing a rasda­man federation by launching new VMs care must be taken that the in- and outpeers received the proper current IP address.


In the current version, the queries are distributed only if the receiving rasmgr has no locally assigned rasservers. This limitation will be removed in the next release.




Display top level help page

help [command]
command help

Display information specific to command

(both syntax variants are equivalent)

Version Information

list version
display rasdaman server version.

Save Changes to Disk


The save operation writes the current configuration and authorization values to disk. All changes done during the session thus become permanent.

rascontrol Termination


terminates rascontrol.


There are several security measures available, which should be considered seriously. Among them are the access right mechanisms found in Tomcat, web server, rasdaman, and PostgreSQL. We highly recommend to make use of these.

For Tomcat, Web server, and PostgreSQL we refer to the pertaining documentation. For rasdaman, we recommend to change the default user passwords in rasdaman (rasguest/rasguest for read-only access, rasadmin/rasadmin for read-write and administrator access) to not run into the Oracle “Scott/tiger” trap. Even better, add separate, private users. For all these actions, the rascontrol utility is your friend. Along the same line we recommend to configure petascope access to rasdaman using a read-only login which is different from the default one provided in the file.

The servlet is safe against SQL injection attacks - we are not aware of any means for the user to send custom queries to the PostgreSQL server or the rasdaman server. XSRF and XSS represent no danger to the service because there is no user generated content available.

The rasdaman service doesn’t use cookies.

Example Database and Programs

Example Database

A demonstration database is provided as part of the delivery package which contains the collections and images described in the Query Language Guide. To populate this database, first install the system as described here in the Installation Guide and the base DBMS specific External Products Integration Guide, and then invoke in the bin directory. This script makes use of the example images sitting in the examples directory, as well as the insertppm executable described below.

It is recommended to populate this demo database - it occupies only marginal disk space - first: Successful generation of this database shows overall successful rasdaman installation.

Before the test programs can be used, the demo database has to be created and schema information has to be imported. The following command line creates the database RASBASE (see also Build From Source Manually):

$ rasdl --basename RASBASE --createdatabase

The following imports schema information:

$ rasdl --basename RASBASE
        --read examples/rasdl/basictypes.dl --insert

Finally, the following line establishes the demo database (using a script from the bin directory which itself relies on the insertppm executable):

$ base

It is not important whether the rasdaman server is running during rasdl execution, however, the server is required for the rasdaman_insert­ script, as this is a client application.

For further information on rasdl see the C++ Programming Guide.

Example Programs

Several example programs are provided in the c++ and java subdirectories of $RMANHOME/share/rasdaman/examples. Each directory contains a Makefile plus several .cc and .java sources, resp.


The Makefile serves to compile and link the sample C++ sources files delivered. It is a good source for hints on the how-tos of compiler and linker flags etc.

The insertppm program inserts a PPM / PGM / PBM image into a ras­da­man database. This program serves a dual purpose: On the one hand, it shows how a custom application can be created which inserts single images into a database from a file in some data exchange format. On the other hand, it is the utility to establish the sample database used in the Query Language Guide.

A compiled version of this program can also be found in the bin directory to avoid that this important utility is overwritten by exploring the sample code. and

The lookup program reads a specified collection and prints the MDDs and their content. Any collection from the demo database can be inspected, but be warned of the data volume generated by ASCII printouts. and

This program computes the average cell value from all images of a given collection.

Note that it requires grayscale images! A good candidate collection is mr from the demo database. and

Same as avg-cell, but takes the red component of an RGB image for averaging.

A good candidate collection is rgb from the demo database.


All programs, once compiled and linked, print a usage synopsis when invoked without parameter.



The first step in troubleshooting problems should be to look into the server logs.

Start with checking the rasmgr and rasserver logs for any errors. If this does not provide any clues, check the petascope.log or catalina.out.

Manually stop rasdaman

If stopping rasdaman fails, it may be necessary to manually stop it:

# check the rasdaman processes still running on the system
ps aux | grep ras

# force kill any rasmgr process; <pid> is the number in the 2nd column
# of the output from the previous command
kill -9 <pid>

# then try to kill rasserver processes
pkill rasserver

# if this fails, force kill rasservers
pkill -9 rasserver

Checking the server logs could provide further information on why stopping rasdaman failed in the first place.